
just surfing

I am liking this idea a lot - a rag quilt - seems to me to be a good way to use up scraps.


video phone love


wow, look at these stamps

here on Ali E's blog.


My Name is Toni and I am an Internetolic

I found myself yesterday and most of the night before without internet access. It was dreadful. I kept refreshing my browser and trying to pull mail approximately once every 30 seconds to no avail.

It was so bad I kept busy by tidying up. It nearly came down to actually cleaning as well but luckily Pip kept me busy with various antics. I shoudl start a catalogue of all the things he does that the other two never did. He is a shocker sometimes. When the server came back up (see I even talk like an expert) I trawled the forums trying to find other people moaning about their lack of access but found none so they were all obviously too busy playing catch up. Yes I know I could have tried dial up, but addict or not dial up costs money - valuable scrapping money.

I went to a crop on Sunday - good basic crop where all you do is chat and scrap. No fancy surroundings (an old smelly scout hut), 5 minutes from home, and lots of inane chatter. The perfect get away really. If only the toilets weren't such a fright.

Munch had a Teddy Bears Picnic here yesterday. I blame his Dad who whispered the idea into his little mind conspiratorially one night and the seed grew from there. So I had to bake cakes and tried to lay out a picnic blanket and put the bears all nicely round it. Munch and 2 little school friends plus 2 brothers completed the party. Of course it descended into farce when Pip wrecked it and the kids ended up having their picnic at the table just so Pip couldn't trample it into the carpet. But there were enough squeals of delight to let me know that they were all enjoying themselves.

Your Birthdate: September 3

You are more than a big ball of energy - you are a big ball of hyper.

You are always on the go, but you don't have a type a personality.

Instead of channeling your energy into work, you instead go for fun and adventure.

Witty and verbal, you can have an interesting conversation with anyone.

Your strength: Your larger than life imagination

Your weakness: You tend to be pretty scattered

Your power color: Lime

Your power symbol: Lightening bolt

Your power month: March

I'm not sure I'm a big bundle of energy, but the other things are pretty true - although I do choose to be witty and verbal with friends only as others would mistake my wit for insanity.


to sleep perchance to dream or maybe just sleep

i should be asleep, I've not had an unbroken night for a gazillion years. Ok for 2 weeks. Pip is the high priest of the 2am wake up. My nighttime stategy for him is to get the little blighter into bed then run like billy-o. We don't go in and adjust the covers . We don't go in and check he's ok, we know he's ok and know from experience that any false move and the beast awakens.

Normally he stirs a little around midnight - my normal bedtime crawl - i tiptoe anxiously in our very creaky cheap floor boarded house trying not to lighten the slumber so he squeaks. My Hubby tried to mend the squeaks once. What a disaster. His version of mending was to just hammer nails into the floor til no more squeaks, Ignoring squiggles drawn on the floor by the plumbers who installed our central heating. The rubbish plumbers who installed our rubbish plumbing. Anyway, it was the weekend that Princess Di was buried and we went to our friends, we came back to our ceiling on our front room floor. Hubby had nailed through a central heating pipe, the squiggles indicated pipework underneath, and water had leaked onto our ceiling to the point of critical something or other and it . Thank heavens we didn't have kids then. Seems like a million years have passed since then (which they have in sleepless nights terms).

More phone love pics - I am the only person in our family with green eyes - sometimes I look at blue eyes so often I forget I have green ones.


Oh god I am that weird stalking scrapper

ok - so you know that I stick bit of paper and photos to bigger bits of paper. Not in a particularly stylish or creative way, but it passes the time and allows me to spend Hubby's money for a 'reason' rather than for no reason at all (because let's face it I'd spend it anyway).

The magazine I've always bought and will always buy is Simple Scrapbooks. Its design ethos appeals to me and it's designers always hit the spot. I cannot tell you how excited I was when I discovered Cathy Zeilske had a blog, nor can I tell how sad I was when she stopped blogging for a while. But my little secret, the one that I don't share because I'm afraid she'll become popular and famous and everyone will realise how great her designs are and how funny she comes across is Margaret Scarborough. You know it's like when you like a band and you hope that no-one else finds out about them because they're 'yours'......

So imagine how bonkers I went when I saw the lovely Margaret had left a comment on my bday pic post. Of course no-one but a scrapper would understand or appreciate this so for my non-scrapping friends (Sharon, Jackie) this is like The Police leaving a message on my answer phone.

So if Margaret had a bundle of comments on her blog all the time I'd leave little comments every so often, but she doesn't, so if I left comments they'd flag up as 'that weird stalking scrapper' again.

Go see Margaret's Month at Simple Scrapbooks and you'll see what I mean :)

In other news, me and my phone are getting married (bigamy I know but who's gonna tell?) I have taken a bundle of pics on it plus some video - if I can load up the software tonight I'll share on here. They're worth waiting for - Tiddly running up and down outside the swimming pool with the buggy, me and Pip (I look about 102), a tired Pip, some of my shopping, my running shoes (man they take a pounding) etc etc I bet you cannot wait!!!!


belated bday pic

so many freckles! who knew?!?!


Back to Normal

or as normal as you get around here.

I have a new baby too - I just love new phones and gadgets. In fact I am geeky enough about it all to make a very good man. My Hubby is like a total girl in respect of gadgets, so we are a good match.
The boys are now back at school (apart from Monday when Tiddly had to go have a tooth out). I went back to the gym today to resume my efforts at trying to loose the elephant I have been carrying on my back for 10 years and to try and reach a goal I set myself at the beginning of the year.
Pip is asleep, he's been restless at night this past week, but he's been ok during the day so I am hoping it doesn't develop into anything.
Still waiting for my laptop, have used my craftrobo and am still doing Shimelle's class.
Life is good and normal.


I am definitely learning

Title page from Shimelle's 'Learn Something New Every Day' class. I have done more, I just cannot be bothered to find my camera and get the card out! Maybe I should learn to stop procrastinating.


I think I'm supposed to add this to my blog

This September, I'm going back to school. In my own little world. I've got a book and a pen and I'm going to record what I learn from life. I believe I really can learn something new every day. I'll share what I'm learning in the form of pages from my book, posted right here on my blog. I'm not alone: lots of crafty ladies are learning and recording right along with me. See their work here and here. Learn more about our project here.

But I must breathe a sigh of relief and admit I'm glad I'm not going back to REAL school, that was like hell on earth sometimes!


I have signed up to Shimelles "Learn Something New Every Day" online class. I'm a bit late, but I am sure I will catch up (hmmm famous last words and all that).

Went to see The Bourne Ultimatum tonight. Matt Damon Rocks!! That film Rocks!! Can't believe it's only a 12 though.

One more day to go before some 'me' time (Pip is a good egg at letting me do some scrapping whilst neglecting him).

Ordered the Fat Face Bag.
Will order filofax tomorrow.
Will download itunes tomorrow.

Will add bday pics later.

I will be mostly writing my kids names in their uniform tomorrow. In Sharpie Pen because the labels didn't turn up. Don't use Woven Labels, I ordered the labels and paid for them on the 8th Aug and no reply to a chasing email last week. It's all too late now even if they come tomorrow. Lesson learnedpeople, lesson learned.



it's my birthday today, not one to be too bothered about apart from yet another mortal coil shuffling off.

No pics as yet, it's been very much making sure the boys have what they need for school as opposed to it being about me and my wants.

But talking of my wants, here's my wishlist that I am going to spend my bday sponds on:-

  • A WHSmith Organiser

I have pretty much everything else that I want, and have no current scrapping needs (for once) and want to use what I have before I buy more and my little craftrobo needs to be used and loved and gotten used to as well.


We reluctantly came back

Glad we didn't walk home, it would have been a long trip!