for some insane reason I did not take my camera with me when we went to visit a friend and her children near to Wellington where my mother grew up and where my grandparents are buried. Given the fact that our lives are full, busy and complicated we don't visit there as often as we should but the opportunity arose last weekend and we hot footed it up there.
My phone did a decent enough job of it, and at least I didn't take a trillion shots like I normally do.
Pip decided that the piano was his thing. See him on his little tippytoes trying to reach the keys? just be grateful I didn't video the whole noisefest that went on there!

The little guy can't walk yet - I think it is sheer laziness and the guarantee of a pick up that stops him - his brothers think it's the funniest thing in the world to pick him up and we like picking him up because he kicks his legs like a mini-mule until he's put back down again.

a chocolate fountain was also on offer which was the ultimate in cruelty. I didn't abstain though, I just got on with it and forgot about the consequences. I'd be rubbish at AA.

We visited a local 'play' farm, the weather didn't help nor did our not having coats, but the boys found things to interest them (Munch a tractor, Tiddly an Alpaca and Pip was just in his buggy waiting for someone to notice him)

Munch also learnt how to spin wool, the lady sounded just like my Nan which is probably why I love going up there just to hear them all speak,

We went to RAF Cosford, the jewel in the crown of the RAF museums. The weather was totally pants but the museum was nothing short of amazing and worthy of a much longer and more studious visit.

I made a bag for my friends birthday - inspired by House on Hill Road, it's ok and I think she liked it but I learnt a few things (like have enough thread before you start) and will construct it slightly differently next time. I have got my materials out of the loft and having looked at the old curtains I saved (or rather that Hubby saved) I am glad I did - lots of vintage laura ashley stuff that is going to make spiffing bags.
That's if Pip ever sleeps again (I was up all night with the wakeful little blighter last night and was so tired today that I had all my hair cut off whilst I was delirious with tiredness and thought it was a good idea).