
Bend the Rules Sewing Bag

Bend the Rules Sewing Bag
Originally uploaded by toniann.

I made this bag recently too. It is such a lovely bag, I really really like the material I chose, just right for Summer.

The topstiching reuires you sewing through approx 8 layers at one point (6 cotton layers from the outer bag, the lining and the handles plus 2 from the interlining) - my machine struggled big time. If I did this again I may shorten the interlining and then stitch 2 lines of topstiching to secure the interlining and handles at the top.

Beautiful bag though even though I say so myself!


First Commission

Brown linen bag
Originally uploaded by toniann.

A friend asked me to make a bag similar to an old leather one she had that was falling apart. I couldn't replicate the buckles and snaps on the original bag without going to some expense and the whole point of the exercise was to be affordable. I made this from soft brown linen with a bright brown and turquoise lining. I stiffened the linen with fusible interfacing, lined the pocket and topstiched to the outside of the bag and used buttons as fastenings.

It was nerve wracking handing it over as that really is the ultimate test of your work. My friend is taking it on holiday with her, I hope she enjoys it! it was a fun bag to make.

Man I sound like some boring clod...


Recently I have

Originally uploaded by toniann.

learnt how to buttonhole.

It took an hour or so........



Medium child reached 6! Awesome!
He so loved his birthday and the party the next day. In fact I've never known a boy anticipate with so much relish the fact that a birthday was coming up.