Everything tootling along normally here....Pip playing with a dangerous (but not turned on) oven.
Me about to start an ambitious sewing project without the proper equipment.....

This is an awesome pattern by Montesorri By Hand (old blog), Montesorri By Hand New Blog - called SewLiberated. It calls for oodles of interfacing and fabric, but I am hoping it's going to be my new 'big' bag - for 'big' read - Mummy's bag that holds a trillion and one things necessary for going out with kids that also means Mummy doesn't have to scramble around at the last minute trying to find stuff (nappies/wipes/drinks/snacks/toys/wrist straps/hats/socks/gloves etc).

My Old 'goto' bag is worn out and although it breaks my heart to retire it...

It has had its day. It also annoyed the hell out of me for not having long straps - a case of desire over function.

I have decided to use the camera on my phone more for documenting everyday life, because as we all know, taking a memory card out of a proper camera and plugging it into the card slot in the laptop is like way too time consuming.

Must go order topstitch needle for sewing project.