I broke my spacebar yesterday in an attempt to get rid of an annoying crumb that was making it 'different' to type- you know, it wasn't impossible, just different from normal therefore annoying and requiring a fix. Sounds like a template for my life at the moment! little annoying niggly things that get a quick random fix then go on to annoy even more than before.

I haven't had much time to reflect on Christmas and New Year, mainly because of my fixation with Tetris Battle+ on Facebook - any spare minutes not cooking, cleaning or watching tv are wasted on this. Stops me from thinking or worrying too much :)

It snowed here about 3 days ago, the pictures are from a random spurt of enthusiam by us parents, taking all the kids up the big hill to sledge. Our tiny 2nd hand sledge wasn't really up to the job, especially of handling 2 boys at once, but it was free and it works! Better than the shopping trolley I saw some kids jackassing their way down the hill on.

I was going to do my new year resolutions and post my thoughts on Christmas, but really it's the same old stuff:-


  • lose weight (any weight I lost last year has gone back on)
  • get fit (lost all the fitness I worked so hard on last year)
  • plan more (meals, making presents)
  • no processed foods (chicken nuggets/fish fingers/chips etc)
  • don't clean the cooker Christmas Day morning
  • don't buy younger kid fancy new nintendo without either getting one for older kid or being prepared for some major backlash
  • don't put crosses in brussel sprouts the night before
  • don't think no-one will want to eat anything Christmas night because there is always room for chilli and trifle
  • buy youngest kid every car from the Pixar Cars movie and be done with it - that's all he's played with