Nintendo love - I wonder if you can makea career of it?

Time for me. I am going to do Anna Bowkis' 365 day challenge this year. I am going to achieve my goals. I am going to find that there is less chaos and more freedom, but that it has to be planned. I am going to write everything down, straight away not a day later when I've forgotten most of the detail or lost the piece I wanted to save in the newspaper. I am not going to spend money indiscriminately, I am going to plan my spend and save up for things that I want, it will make the buying of them all the more sweet. I am going to run every day.

We've had a wonderful Christmas and New Year, crazy at times and boring at others. The boys are pinging off the walls despite the £££££'s spent on them, despite me taking them out for a couple of miles run/bike ride, despite everything really - if I had girls I am sure they'd be sitting down and colouring beautifully not jumping off sofas, throwing cushions, making constant bombing noises, hurting each other, leaping across rooms, hurting each other, making up stupid swear words and getting all hot and bothered. I think we just need a padded room to close the door on.