took the boys to town today to buy cheap shoes seeing as middle boy had come home from school with the wrong ones and we had no spares.
Having found suitably feet ruiningly cheap shoes and gained a huge headache we came home where I tried desperately to rest on the sofa whilst a lego war waged and a 2 year old jumped on my head.
It's no excuse but the headache didn't go, so I didn't do much apart from containment and feed the tribe.
It was raining later on so I went to Jackies house and ran on her treadmill.
Still have a headache now so I'd better try and sleep it off, hopefully no-one will be jumping on my head this time.

Distance - 1 mile
Time - 12:41
headaches - 1
cross trainer - 10 minutes
level - 20 for 5 minutes
amount of sweat - 10 pints