
How did I work there for 13 years?

Before I had Munch (and before Sam was here and whilst he was little) I worked for a big company in London. In the City. Well all over really; Angel, Holborn, Aldgate & Moorgate to name a few. I really loved it, didn't mind the mind numbing commute, had a bunch of mates to go out with in the evenings and generally had a blast.

Revisiting today, well not a visit more of an appointment at Kings College for little Pip, made me think how on earth I did it for so long. The packed train (try doing it with an 18 week old baby, not fun), the interminable journey, the filth and dirt everywhere. Parts of London really are unloved.

The people at the hospital were fantastic, efficient and friendly. They gave us the information we wanted in a way we understood. Little Pip charmed everyone he came into contact with and managed 2 inconvenient poops.

We come home and are totally exhausted, London is only 35 miles away and it feels like we've been to Spain and back in a day.


So I learnt something today

yeah, I learnt how to have just one word link to a URL rather than 10 ton of text. Way to go me! (thanks Paul - do you fix taps as well?)

So now I can do
what Munch is getting for his birthday and what I am going to buy when we have some money

so when I said one word I didn't really mean it - why use 1 word when 20 will do the job just as well.


Sports Day - Kindergarten Style!

Munch had the big race today, we weren't holding out much hope as he was running towards a finish line rather than food. As luck would have it Max was in the lead and fell over, leaving Munch to steal the glory, by fair means or foul my friend by fair means or foul ;)


Fruit Basket!

I'm sure Marja won't mind me reffing to her blog - but she bought this oh so gorgeous fruit basket from Homebase and I want to pay homage to it here. Sadly for me our newly furbished, shiny Homebase doesn't have it in stock and as I was carrying 14lb dead weight of floppy baby I didn't have time to go ask at the desk. So I will keep looking at Marja's - I have nowhere to put it anyway, nowhere sensible.

Baby slept through last night, so to celebrate I slept all morning in bed with him - not sure how that one worked and hubby is a bit incredulous at how much time I slept. I would say well you wouldn't know about sleep deprivation would you? but then I have to remember he pays for my stash.

I hate Mondays, mainly because it's the whole back to school humdrum with the racing about plus we go to gymnastic club all afternoon followed by Sam's football in the open air (shock horror) which usually means holding a pooey baby (as i forgot his changing bag) whilst extricating Munch from a bush or some trouble with big boys. We added the 'forgotten trainers' and 'ball kicked over into a garden' to the mix today. Then I had to go home and make Shepherds Pie from scratch in an hour - a tall order at the best of time let alone when you have 2 hungry children trying to steal food and a baby who wants to air his lungs.

Glad today is over really, roll on the next one.


Wonderful Graffitti

oh here is

a fabulous site that I am going to get something from for the boys room when we have any spare money (which is probably when they leave home) - the only problem would be knowing when to stop!


A Good Day (not Martha good though)

First day this week I have felt human which is lucky as little Pip had one of his 'off' days. An off day is where he does not cooperate sleepwise and stays awake when I want him to sleep. Poor little guy, maybe he just wanted to stay awake and see a bit of the world, but no Mummy didn't want you to do that so she was rocking and feeding, rocking and feeding oh and rocking and feeding (I feed him myself so he can't blow up and pop like an overfilled balloon - don't panic). By the time I'd figured out I would just leave him it was proper bedtime and hubby got him to sleep.

I got the shopping done (first time in weeks) but still didn't manage to get it all put away until just before going to get my hair done. Yes I know it's nothing but me time isn't it, toes painted yesterday, hair done today - if we are going to be destitute I may as well look as good as I can.

My cute photo today is of little one having found his thumb, we don't 'do' dummies here. This little guy sucks his thumb and fingers til he nearly throws up through gagging - not the object of the exercise I feel but he's a little young to be told.


How Cute is This?

Munch was playing with his little brother - this is so sweet, I really hope they all become real close friends as they grow up. It's something I never had being an only one so I feel quite strongly about siblings etc It must be nice knowing there's always going to be someone who is there for you, who's known you forever.

I have been feeling poorly, hopefully just a virus, it's brought some stress into the house but hopefully its gone now - it kind of creeps up on you when you think you are ok and floors you again.

Have decided that I need to eat more fruit, so have sent Hubby out to get me some (nothing like having a slave do your dirty work for you), maybe it'll brighten me up and give me some pep - if that fails I am moving onto Diet Coke then alcohol.

These are the LO's mentioned the other day - the first one is pants as the circle is not round and is too big, the 2nd one is pants because the circle is not round - what gives? I measured and drew and checked and everything and it still came out wonky! I'm not doing it again so it goes in the album as is!!


The first identified case of melted female

I haven't felt so odd for a while, the hypochondriac in me want to look the symptoms up but I probably just have a virus. Munch is asleep - he was complaining of a sore tummy, Pip is asleep but he's not crying (not that he ever does) so I am guessing he's ok. Sam will be home soon - lets hope he took his school jumper off today (he's embarrased by the dark hairs on his arms) otherwise he will have lost about half his bodyweight in sweat.

Actually scrapped yesterday but it looked so totally pants I am going to have to do it again - I'll do a before and after scan once I've finished the second attempt.

I am perspiring so much I think I am slowly melting, like an ice lolly left in the sun, how charming.


Sheesh - The Heat!

I don't think hot weather and my family go together. Poor Sam has terrible hayfever, so much so we had to hotfoot it to the docs this morning to get eyedrops after I sent Steve out too late last night to get to a chemist that was open. I slept upstairs with the baby whilst everyone else slept downstairs where it was cooler. My bones are too old and achy to sleep on the floor.

This is a nice photo - Munch and his mate Max. They'll be in the same class in September, heaven help the teacher (she's Head of Year 2 at the moment and Sam says she's a bit strict)although if she can control these two she can control anyone.

I am determined to use up my scrapbooking stash before buying anymore - I have a boxful of patterned paper. I've said this before too. I wish my determination stretched as far as losing weight. I am off to Magaluf in August and am dreading it mainly because I am leaving baby behind but also because my fat wobbly bottom doesn't do too well in searing Spanish sun. The problem is I don't have much time or money or willpower.........


Ribbons, ribbons, ribbons (in the style of Kraftwerks 'Machine')

Audrey put me onto this cool ribbon website - - they do the most lush ribbons I have seen, and I've seen a few.

If there were a support group for ribbonaholics I think I'd have to admit my addiction and go along, you cannot believe how wonderful having a yard of gorgeous ribbon fills my day with plans and anticipation.

A boiling hot day today and Sam has been bowling and is at a friends helping him celebrate his birthday and watch the England match - the first one of the World Cup - I am not watching it as Steve has taken Munch to a party in MK and won't be back in time to watch it - so loyal as I am I'm not watching it just in case I blurt out the result. Sam is already on pain of death if he lets it out.
The baby is asleep and I am printing out some pics to go in an Ikea photo holder (the flip over kind) - it's been empty for about 4 years and this is the first time I've had plenty of 6x4 paper to print out pic. I have over 10,000 pics on my pc (admitedly about 9,950 crap ones) so I haveplenty to choose from.You could accuse me of not letting go..........


wooden letters

Marja had the wooden letters link on her blog - the site is - I bought the 8" Windsor Font letters - they are plain and not bevelled or anything but I thought they were great value.


getting back to normality

god I feel old, as old as the hills. I am actually sitting here thinking about how the year has gone by so quickly and how nice the garden looks in the sunshine and how I must go out there and do some weeding later on.
Talk about old fogeydom. Man I should be out lunching with friends, knocking back chardonnay, gossiping like nobody's business. I never did that before so I should be making up for lost time.
So, apart from me being about 120 when my baby is 10, all is well. Boys at school, baby asleep, hubby working - me time.

I bought some blank wooden letters in a frenzy after seeing a photo of Kim Heffingtons studio on two peas (I cannot do the whole word in a link thing - if you can can you tell me how to?) - it had 4 pics framed of a baby holding the letters L O V E - I thought it was the cutest thing so I went and bought LOVE, BOYS and T. It'll probably be best to get Pip holding the letters so I've got to wait a few months til he's sitting up.

I managed to take about 20 out of focus pics this morning of the boys - I hate it when I miss an opportunity - I grabbed the camera in a hurry and the setting were probably all off - you know the sort of thing low ISO, curtains closed but sunny WB setting, kids moving etc. I do get some pretty good shots with the camera (Canon EOS 350D) and i try to use the programme setting as it gives you more control, but as I have never taken a photography class it is all pretty hit and miss. Personally I feel using Auto all the time would be cheating. I would dearly love a new lens that managed my desire for portraiture a bit better but to be honest I'd say that 99% of the duff shots are due to my uselessness rather than the limitations of the lens.

Oh well, weeding needs doing as does tonights dinner, the ironing, feeding baby, painting letters and making MIL's birthday card!