here's the tidy bit of our spare room (note it being above ground level oh and see the American Crafts Albums - 1 for each boy & 1 for family/me/hubby)
This is where I have the pc and spend time researching rubbish and reading UKS!!!

now meet the untidy bit

oh the shame of it! the rest of the room is like this but the cam cable is stuck (by falling debris and the like)

Am due to start scrubbing in the kitchen soon - it is a place of horror - i may well do before and after pics. I plan to do the whole house this week - to keep myself out of trouble and stop me from snacking. I am going back to the gym and am determined to be slimmer at Xmas. I have an assessment on Friday with a great lady who used to be a WW leader but is now a trainer at the gym - she's really motivational and someone i can relate to (i.e she's a mum of 3 boys and is in her 40's).
Nothing is more scary than a woman with a plan & some determination.......